
Is your math platform missing this secret ingredient?

By March 2, 2022November 25th, 2022No Comments

As the world continues to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, math educators are scrambling to provide online alternatives to traditional in-class instruction. One of the big challenges online math platforms face is providing quality assessment of student work. How can you offer students quality feedback that goes beyond simply marking an answer correct or incorrect? In this article, you’ll learn about Algebrakit, a powerful math engine that operates in the background of your math learning platform, providing instant correction, context-sensitive hints and formative feedback. Is Algebrakit the secret ingredient your system needs? Read on to find out.

What is Algebrakit?

Algebrakit works behind the scenes on your math platform, seamlessly integrating with your existing content. The powerful AI engine makes it possible to present students with randomized questions providing limitless practice of math concepts. And with Algebrakit, students get much more than just automated correction. They get hints as they work through an exercise and feedback after they submit their answer. This is formative assessment – a powerful functionality that you can add to your math platform. Imagine being able to offer learners math exercises that respond to their input with appropriate hints to get them back on track when they need it. No other system available provides formative assessment like Algebrakit. Other systems might provide summative feedback, that is, simple recognition of correct and incorrect answers. But Algebrakit goes beyond summative feedback with hints that can help students forge a path for learning when they are stuck.

An example of formative feedback

In this example, the student has been asked to solve the equation, showing all steps. Unsure how to proceed, the student clicks on the Hint button.

Algebrakit explains the first step in solving the problem. With this information, the student is on the right track but runs into a problem.

Algebrakit: the secret ingredient in your recipe for success

While other systems only detect correct or incorrect answers, in this example you can see that Algebrakit goes far beyond that, explaining the error and allowing the student to try again. This helps the student gain knowledge and reinforce math skills through every step of the problem.

You will be amazed at what Algebrakit can do. Algebrakit offers the same sorts of formative feedback on everything from simple arithmetic to geometry, algebra, statistics, and even calculus! As the world adjusts to a dramatic increase in online learning, Algebrakit helps scaffold learning even when a teacher is not around. 

If Algebrakit is the secret ingredient you’ve been looking for, contact us today. We’d love to show you how Algebrakit can supercharge your existing math platform with formative assessment.

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